Friday, June 14, 2013

The Wonder Drug?

Ahhh Botox...hailed as the wonder drug by hopeful parents (such as myself) and orthopedic surgeons, frowned upon by the more natural types and therapists...what's best?

My answer? Whatever helps Addison. This is her third round of Botox treatments. And while she has had her life filled with PT, OT, and a chiropractor to aid along side the Botox, I have to look at the results. Her last 2 evaluation shows that gross motor is now her strongest developmental aspect. I have to believe that our concoction is working.

How it works (in a nut shell) is she is put under anesthesia and the Botox is inserted deep into certain muscles her doctor has chosen during appointments pre-op. he chooses a variety of muscles due to tightness and how they are effecting her comfort, body and movement. Today, he is focusing on her shoulder areas, a high dose in her lower back, her finger flexers in her arm, and low doses for a few muscles in parts of her upper and lower legs.

 The Botox deadens the muscles to help retrain the thinking to the brain, as well as help stretch the tightness without pain. The goal is to not loose muscle function. This is where therapists dislike the treatment...they hate going backwards, I hate the frustration. Addison lost function in her thighs last round, January, when she had just learned to pull up and start to cruise along the furniture. Hopefully this dosage is just right to make her feel great!

I appreciate everyone's thoughts for I sit in this waiting room for the third time, I feel like its the first time, for I am alone. Matt was unable to get off of work. I feel like I have more worries, I guess I need to be concerned for 2. I know he is thinking of her and wishes he could be here for us both. 

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